The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) is the primary law in the U.S. governing the conduct of telemarketers. Its primary regulator is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The TCPA restricts the use of dialers, prerecorded voice messages, SMS text messages received by cell phones, and the use of fax machines. Even though the law was not designed with ARM in mind, debt collectors often find themselves restricted in the communication technology they can use. In addition, contradictory guidance from regulators and court rulings has led to an explosion in the number of TCPA cases collection agencies must defend.

insideARM maintains an abundance of information about TCPA developments related to the ARM industry. View our case law grid here, and our TCPA Toolbox here.

See all Topics
A judge's gavel sitting on a pile of cash [Image by creator Pakhnyushchyy from AdobeStock]

New Jury Verdict Yields Up To $267MM Judgment against Debt Collector in Certified TCPA Class Action

6 June 2019

An animated image of a judge facing two lawyers in court [Image by creator cookart from AdobeStock]

Sixth Circuit Forces TCPA Plaintiff into Arbitration Based on Co-Habitant’s Prior Settlement Agreement

5 June 2019

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

No Unilateral Revocation of Bargained-For Consent, Says S.D. Florida in Student Loan TCPA Case

3 June 2019

Microphone sitting on table [Image by creator olegkruglyak3 from AdobeStock]

Commissioner O’Rielly’s TCPA Speech Last Week Was a Great Gift to TCPA Defendants: Here’s How To Use It

28 May 2019

Photo of a line of people looking at their mobile phones [Image by creator ultramansk from AdobeStock]

Pai To State AGs: Unwanted Robocalls Require Comprehensive Response

23 May 2019

 [Image by creator Coloures-Pic from AdobeStock]

Northern District of Illinois Again Holds A Predictive Dialer Must Have A Random Or Sequential Number Generator To Be An ATDS

22 May 2019

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

Court Uses Deposition Testimony to Find Revoking TCPA Plaintiff Re-Consented to Calls By Asking for A Single Call Back

21 May 2019

Photo of a line of people looking at their mobile phones [Image by creator ultramansk from AdobeStock]

Court Finds Calls Violating Multiple TCPA Sections Give Rise to Only One Recovery– But Watch Out!

14 May 2019

 [Image by creator Cla78 from AdobeStock]

Court Finds ATDS Allegations Survive Pleading Stage With a Nod Toward Need for FCC Guidance

13 May 2019

Woman looking at cell phone [Image by creator leungchopan from AdobeStock]

Court Holds TCPA Plaintiff Plausibly Alleged That Defendant Exceeded the Scope of Consent

7 May 2019

Illustration of an old fashioned rotary dial phone [Image by creator ojovago from AdobeStock]

Recent FCC Submission Fleshes out Potential ATDS and Revocation Paradigms

6 May 2019

Woman standing in a thinking pose [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

New Ruling Shows How Convenient Memories Often Make for Large-Dollar Lawsuits in TCPAWorld

30 April 2019

 [Image by creator Gregory Johnston from AdobeStock]

Call Center Challenges FTC Opinion Letter on Soundboard

29 April 2019

 [Image by creator Amy Walters from AdobeStock]

TCPA’s Content-Specific Government-Backed Debt Exemption Struck Down on First Amendment Grounds

25 April 2019

A stack of mobile phones [Image by creator goir from AdobeStock]

“Too Good to be True” – Unfortunately, that's the Case with the FCC’s New Reassigned Number Database

24 April 2019

 [Image by creator dizain from AdobeStock]

Court Holds Arbitration Agreement Targeted To Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Is Ambiguous As Applied To TCPA Claims

24 April 2019

Photo of hourglass with sand all in the bottom [Image by creator Zerophoto from AdobeStock]

Primary Jurisdiction Patience Prevails In Reassigned Number TCPA Case

23 April 2019

Drawing of a school of white fish against a green background [Image by creator maxsattana from AdobeStock]

Court Refuses to Reconsider Arbitration Order Bouncing Lead Class Plaintiffs in Massive TCPA MDL

22 April 2019

Playing cards stacked on each other forming a pyramid [Image by creator zharate from AdobeStock]

TCPA Class Representative Ordered to Produce Evidence Regarding Past Lawsuits—Even Confidential Settlements Potentially Relevant to Standing to Represent Class

17 April 2019

 [Image by creator Gregory Johnston from AdobeStock]

Yet Another Court Holds Dialing Automatically from a List Constitutes ATDS Usage

15 April 2019