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Photo of a line of people looking at their mobile phones [Image by creator ultramansk from AdobeStock]

Industry Requests FCC Deem Certain Servicing Calls “Critical” and Unblockable Under New Default Call Blocking Rules

29 July 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

House of Representatives Overwhelmingly Approves Bipartisan Robocall Bill

25 July 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

House Action on Robocall Bill Expected This Week; Acts Seeks to Clarify "Called Party" Definition and End Scourge of Wrong Number TCPA Suits

23 July 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

Full House Energy and Commerce Committee Unanimously Approves Bipartisan Robocall Bill

18 July 2019

Image from a dictionary showing the word leg-is-la-tion [Image by creator Art of Success from AdobeStock]

Full Energy and Commerce Committee to Markup Robocall Bill Today

17 July 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

House Subcommittee Approves Bipartisan Robocall Bill

26 June 2019

 [Image by creator Amy Walters from AdobeStock]

Republican Senators Re-Introduce the “Repeal CFPB Act,” Prior Versions Failed to Get Committee Vote

11 June 2019

Photo of hourglass with sand all in the bottom [Image by creator Zerophoto from AdobeStock]

Texas Passes Debt Buyer Legislation Addressing Out-of-Statute Debt

6 June 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

House Financial Services Committee Sets Hearing on Debt Collection Legislation

30 May 2019

Image from a dictionary showing the word leg-is-la-tion [Image by creator Art of Success from AdobeStock]

House Passes Consumers First Act, Bill Now Goes to Republican-Controlled Senate

23 May 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

Rep. Waters Announces Task Forces on Fintech and Artificial Intelligence

13 May 2019

Coin jar with sticker that says "medical" [Image by creator vinnstock from AdobeStock]

Breakdown of Four New Requirements for Collecting Medical Debt in the State of Washington

1 May 2019

A blackboard with "Plan A" and "Plan B" written in chalk. Plan A is crossed out. [Image by creator Sharpshot from AdobeStock]

California Assemblywoman Explores Creation of State-Level CFPB in Press Conference with Cordray

15 April 2019

Photo of a line of people looking at their mobile phones [Image by creator ultramansk from AdobeStock]

New York State Prepares to Unveil Broadest “Robocall” Restriction Yet, Here’s How It's Supposed to Work

11 April 2019

Person touching a mobile phone that says "Privacy" and has a picture of a lock [Image by creator maicasaa from AdobeStock]

Texas Joins the Fray: Consumer Privacy and Data Collection Bills Introduced

4 April 2019

 [Image by creator danielfela from AdobeStock]

House Holds Hearing on Proposed Expansive FCRA Changes

2 April 2019

Image from a dictionary showing the word leg-is-la-tion [Image by creator Art of Success from AdobeStock]

Consumers First Act, Aimed to Bring CFPB Back to Statutory Purpose, Passes in House Financial Services Committee

2 April 2019

Person touching a mobile phone that says "Privacy" and has a picture of a lock [Image by creator maicasaa from AdobeStock]

Washington State Privacy Act on the Horizon: Passes in State Senate, Now Before House of Representatives

18 March 2019

 [Image by creator Amy Walters from AdobeStock]

TCPA to be Amended? A Fourth “Robocall” Bill Dropped Into the Legislative Hopper

13 March 2019

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

Kraninger Testimony Before Senate Banking Committee Focuses on Data Privacy, CFPB Structure, Student Loans, Military Lending Act, and Payday Lending Rule

12 March 2019