Collingswood, NJ: Net Gain Marketing, Inc. (NGM has added a new Vendor Center to the company’s MyGovWatch website (, enabling users to:
- Look up prices offered by specific vendors to government agencies by state, level of government, type of debt, pricing category, and other factors, helping users predict what their competitors will bid on active procurements based on previously submitted rates for similar procurements.
- Find copies of winning proposals available to the public through open records laws throughout the country by vendor or type of account, helping users learn what competitors are doing operationally, why winners are winning, and why losers are losing in markets to include taxes, healthcare, utility, higher education, and more.
- Identify trends associated with specific competitors — who’s bidding on what, and where they’re bidding, helping users to keep tabs on key competitors or learn more about new ones.
The MyGovWatch website has revolutionized the field of government contracting in the collection industry by helping users tap into public information in ways never before imagined.
While other sources of information focus only on which contracts are out for bid now, MyGovWatch goes far beyond this to let users see what’s happened in past procurements, which contracts may be coming out for bid next month or next year, and why successful government contractors continue to gain market share. This enables users to act on real data to set priorities in the public sector at a fraction of the cost of having employees conduct this kind of valuable intelligence gathering in-house.
“We are pleased to announce the launch of the Vendor Center,” stated President Nick Bernardo. He continued, “This now positions us to make other enhancements a priority, including the implementation of tools to let users download contact information of government officials, target prospects in the public sector by integrating additional census data onto the site, and launch a sister site geared more toward the needs of government officials themselves.”
Simultaneously, the company announced a promotion through January 31, 2010, in which new subscribers qualify to receive one free user license for each purchased by that date.