Dallas, TX - Credit Protection Association (CPA), a local receivables management firm, has joined forces with the North Texas Food Bank and Feeding America to reduce hunger in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and throughout the nation. 

In support of its Season of Service, CPA will close its office on Wednesday, December 9, to allow employees the opportunity to spend the day volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank. Teams will organize food for children, seniors and families as well as deliver hundreds of cans of food that have been collected by CPA employees.

“For the past 30 years, we have worked in the consumer debt industry and this year we have seen the reality of the recession first-hand,” said Nate Levine, president and founder of CPA.  “As a company we asked ourselves where we could make a difference this season and the food bank quickly moved to the top of our list.”

The company has also taken philanthropy to the national level. In lieu of sending more than 1,000 corporate holiday gifts to clients this year, CPA made a charitable donation to the national organization, Feeding America, which supports food pantries across the United States.

“CPA’s donation will provide 60,000 meals to help feed the 48 million Americans, including nearly 17 million children, who are at risk of hunger,” said Ross Fraser, spokesman for Feeding America. “Corporate partnerships are vital to our mission, as we have seen the need for our services increase more this year than ever before.”

In November, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released the 2009 report on Household Food Insecurity, showing a 36 percent increase over last year in the number of people at risk of hunger.  “It is tragic that so many people in this nation of plenty don’t have access to adequate amounts of nutritious food,” said Fraser.
“This is a busy time of year for everyone,” said Levine. “But one should never be too busy to take the time to help those in need. By closing our office for the day, we know that everyone at CPA will have the opportunity to participate in our volunteer efforts.”
About Credit Protection Association
Founded in 1977, Credit Protection Association was the first company to specialize in low-balance, high-volume collections in the cable and home video markets. CPA’s diverse suite of business solutions and commitment to customer care has established CPA as an industry leader with a loyal client base that now includes the telecommunications, utilities and retail markets.
About North Texas Food Bank
The North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) is a nonprofit hunger relief organization that distributes donated, purchased and prepared foods through a network of feeding programs in 13 North Texas counties. The NTFB supports the nutritional needs of children, families and seniors through education, advocacy and strategic partnerships. Founded in 1982, the NTFB is a certified member of Feeding America. Last year 26 million meals were distributed. Each month agency pantries distribute food to more than 50,000 families and on-site meal programs serve 435,000 meals/snacks. Every dollar donated to the NTFB provides four meals for the hungry. Out of every dollar donated, 97 cents goes directly to hunger relief programs.
About Feeding America
Feeding America provides low-income individuals and families with the fuel to survive and even thrive. As the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, our network members supply food to more than 25 million Americans each year, including 9 million children and 3 million seniors. Serving the entire United States, more than 200 member food banks support 63,000 agencies that address hunger in all of its forms.




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