In a trend that might show up at a call center near you, more and more call center employees are asking to work from home to avoid skyrocketing gas prices. Call centers are listening, too; they?re investing in home offices to help employees beat the high cost of driving.

According to a USA Today story, About 36 percent of telecommuting customer service agents say gas prices have driven their decision to work at home, according to a new survey of nearly 2,000 at-home call center agents by LiveOps, which contracts with call center agents.

The story also points to another study by the Society for Human Resource Management, which found that offering telecommuting options is among the top five approaches being used by companies to help employees deal with gas prices ? and ultimately retain trained employees who might otherwise need to look for near-by employment.

You can read the full story at Gas Prices Drive Call Center Agents Home.

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