Sentry Credit, Inc. is proud to announce a philosophical change in how it celebrates the holidays.  Instead of having an extravagant formal dinner and awards event at a local venue as in past years, the decision was made to pay it forward.

In lieu of the formal event, Sentry is redirecting those funds to the local Boys & Girls Club, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, and the Veterans of America.  The company has also adopted local families, and will provide them with food and gifts for Christmas.  Sentry is mobilizing teams to volunteer at local service providers such as the soup kitchen at the First Covenant Church on December 22nd.

Additionally, Sentry has organized a food drive.  As an added perk, the staff is able to earn the right to wear casual attire at work every day they bring in 3 non-perishable food items.  All of these will be donated to the Everett Food Bank on corporate volunteer night scheduled for December 15th.  Based on the overwhelming response to the incentive, Sentry anticipates donating well over 1000 food items.

Sentry will still have an in-office lunch ceremony where awards will be presented to staff in recognition of the year’s work.  Members of each charity are slated to discuss their organizations, and how they provide service to the community.  In these trying economic times, Sentry believes it is important to focus their resources on those that need it most.

Sentry Credit is a third party collection agency that employs about 170 people at their Everett, Wash. location.  Since its inception in 1992, Sentry has worked hard to dispel the negative stereo-type associated with collection agencies, and works hard to address the issue of consumer indebtedness from a standpoint of positive affirmation and the good feeling one gets when their bills are paid.

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