Those in the collection industry are about to experience the power of the documentary film in full force. A new movie titled Maxed Out opens soon in theaters, and while it focuses primarily on the consumer credit and banking industry, it takes plenty of shots at collectors.

The film is slated for release in February 2007 ? in conjunction with a book release of the same title — but has been screening for most of this year, making the rounds at film festivals all over the world. A screening this weekend is scheduled in Forth Worth, TX.

In fact, it is the Fort Worth screening that prompted a story running today in local paper The Star-Telegram. In the article, two players in the movie are the central focus: consumer advocate Bud Hibbs and attorney Jerry Jarzombek. Both have a reputation as being strongly anti-collector. It appears that the movie bases most of its position on debt collection on the opinions of these two men. Hibbs and Jarzombek will be taking questions after the screening in Fort Worth.

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