Phoenix – Through their companies, Empereon Marketing, LLC and Constar Financial, LLC, Travis Bowley and the Bowley Family donated 1,000 turkeys to St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance in recognition of the company’s growth milestone of 1,000 employees.  The turkeys were delivered Thursday to officially kick off the Food Bank’s pre-Thanksgiving turkey collection effort – Super Saturday 2010, held on November 20th.

Travis Bowley and the Bowley Family are pleased to support the food bank’s community efforts to alleviate hunger in Arizona.   “Due to the current state of the economy, the fight against hunger is more critical than ever,” said Travis Bowley, CEO of Empereon Marketing and Constar Financial. “When so many people remain affected by the turbulent economy, we are deeply grateful for the continued growth and expansion of our business. We are dedicated to giving back to the community and, as life-long residents of Arizona, we consider it a privilege and our responsibility to contribute to the well-being of our community.”

According to new figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Arizonans living in poverty is rising with nearly 21.2% of Arizonans now living in households earning less than the federal poverty level – an increase of 6.9% since 2007.  In the face of increasing need, the Food Bank is preparing to distribute a record 30,000 Holiday Food Boxes – each containing a turkey and other assorted holiday dinner items – to allow needy families around the Valley the chance to enjoy a traditional holiday meal.  Saturday November 20th is your chance to help our neighbors in need and also to enter for a chance to win one of 12 $250 US Airways flight vouchers.  You can assist the Food Bank reach its goal of collecting 6,000 turkeys at 12 convenient locations around the valley plus 2 locations in Flagstaff.

“Our sincere thanks to Travis Bowley, the Bowley Family and all the employees of Empereon Marketing, LLC and Constar Financial, LLC for this generous kick-off gift for our ‘Super Saturday 2010’ event,” St. Mary’s CEO and President Terry Shannon said. “St. Mary’s distributed food to more than 50,000 people in the days leading up to Thanksgiving last year and we know the need in the community has not slowed in 2010. It is only through gifts such as this that the Food Bank can continue to meet the needs of the hungry in Arizona.”

About Constar Financial Services, LLC and Empereon Marketing, LLC
Empereon Marketing, LLC is a leading service provider focused in the tele-services business sector providing contact to contact service for industries like telecommunications, broadband, credit issuers, public sector, government and print media groups nationwide. With locations in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Pennsylvania, Empereon offers superior customer service, proficient and bi-lingual agents with modern technological resources to deliver quality, cost effective and results-driven services and currently handles an average daily call volume in excess of half a million calls per day.  For more information about Empereon Marketing, please contact Martha Hewitt at

Constar Financial Services, LLC, an affiliate of Empereon Marketing, LLC, is a full service accounts receivable management company delivering collection services to Fortune 100 and 500 companies globally servicing the consumer auto finance, telecommunication and direct lending industries.  Expanding to over 150 collector stations by December 2010, Constar continues to deliver outstanding competitive performance and quality service.  To learn more about Constar, you can email Yvonne Torrijos at

About St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance, the world’s first food bank, is a non-sectarian, nonprofit organization that alleviates hunger by efficiently gathering and distributing food to 534 partner agencies at more than 700 locations that serve the hungry.  Serving two-thirds of Arizona’s 15 counties, the organization is a member of Feeding America, the national network of food banks, and is committed to volunteerism, building community relationships, and improving the quality of life for Arizonans in need. Last year, the Food Bank distributed more than 72 million pounds of food to families and individuals, provided enough food for 275,000 meals every day, and garnered more than 370,000 volunteer service hours. Web site:

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