Natural disasters can cause devastation, heartbreak, hardship, injury, illness and even death in their wake.  Regardless of where ACA members may live, we all are susceptible to some sort of destructive force.

In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy – a Category 2 storm – packed a wallop in the Northeastern United States and became the largest Atlantic hurricane on record.  Super Storm Sandy caused more than 70 U.S. fatalities and $70 million in damages including destroying homes and property, flooding streets, tunnels and subway lines, as well as cutting power to the area for several days.

The lasting impact the storm remains in much of New Jersey where residents and businesses continue to struggle to move forward.  To help with providing relief to victims of this devastating disaster, the New Jersey Association of Collection Agencies is organizing an effort to help where federal, state or insurance funds are falling through the cracks.

turning-the-tide-ACA-SandyNew Jersey ACA has named this effort “Turning the Tide,” intending to change the outcome of someone’s life, and, with hope and anticipation, the perception of our Industry.  All ARM industry and ACA members, and their employees, are invited to host fundraising events to support recovery efforts in New Jersey, noting that even a small token can make a big difference to someone who has lost everything.  The details of these fundraising events are left to the imagination and creativity of each business.

Further, participating companies are encouraged to post information and the “Turning the Tide” logo on their websites such as what the Mid-Atlantic Collectors Association has done.

Please make checks payable to NJACA, place “Turning the Tide” on the memo and mail to:

Turning the Tide

c/o Heritage Financial Recovery Services

600 East Crescent Avenue – Suite 304

Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

Donations are tax-deductible.

Together we can make a difference.

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