The Medical-Dental-Hospital Business Associates (MDHBA) has developed a new certification program tailored for healthcare collection agency clients: Certified Patient Account Specialist (CPAS). CPAS focuses on providing education and recognition for agency client personnel who are involved with patient balance accounts.

“CPAS is a response from MDHBA to help our member agency clients,” announced John Boettcher, CPBE, president of MDHBA and an owner of BC Services, Inc. in Longmont, Colorado. He continues, “MDHBA and its members understand that it’s hard to find training and education for this specific job function. CPAS provides educational material to help our members’ clients train their patient balance account representatives.” Additionally, the program provides professional recognition for these representatives through CPAS certification.

To receive the CPAS designation, candidates must be employed by the client of a recognized healthcare/AR company and successfully complete an online exam after being referred by an agency. To help individuals prepare, MDHBA provides a study guide that is available for download on the association’s web site. Additional support materials are being developed. Certification is good for two years, and candidates must then take another exam to maintain their CPAS status.

For more information, contact MDHBA or visit the association’s web site.

Medical-Dental-Hospital Business Associates is a nation-wide network of independent businesses that provide accounts receivable management services and products to the healthcare industry. Formed in 1939, MDHBA and its members set a tone of collaboration and continuous improvement within the demanding and competitive world of healthcare financial services. With more than 70 qualified agency members nationwide, MDHBA provides a forum for idea exchange, continuing education and certification.

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