The Medical-Dental-Hospital Business Associates (MDHBA) presented several awards during its Reception, Silent Auction and Dinner on Thursday, October 20, during its Annual Meeting at The Royal Palm in Miami Beach, Florida.

Then-MDHBA President Eric Mock, CPBE, President, Medical Business Bureau, LLC, Park Ridge, Illinois, oversaw the ceremonies. During the program, MDHBA?s new officers and board took office, and Mock became Immediate Past President.

The Robert T. Hellrung Award was presented to three individuals: John Boettcher, Owner, BC Services, Inc.; Mike Landrum, VP Sales & Marketing, E.A. Uffman & Associates; and Roxie Kracl, Director, Credit Bureau Services, Inc. This award recognizes individuals for their contributions to the medical economics profession and to MDHBA.

Scott Koenig, CPBE, President, General Audit Corp., was the recipient of the 2005 President’s Award. This award is presented annually by the current MDHBA President to recognize an individual who did the most to advance MDHBA’s interests during his or her tenure as President.

This year’s Fred Kirschner Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes an association member who has made innumerable and valuable contributions to the healthcare industry as a leader, teacher and consultant, was presented to Philip Rosenthal, CPBE, Vice President, HealthCare Associates, Inc.

Jeff Powell, CEO, Collection Services, Inc., was the recipient of the 2005 Elmer Award. It is presented by the MDHBA Past President’s Council to the Association member who has made the most significant contribution to MDHBA’s organizational activities.

Medical-Dental-Hospital Business Associates is a nation-wide network of independent businesses that provide accounts receivable management services and products to the healthcare industry. Formed in 1939, MDHBA and its members set a tone of collaboration and continuous improvement within the demanding and competitive world of healthcare financial services. With nearly 70 members nationwide, MDHBA provides a forum for idea exchange, continuing education and certification.

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