WATERLOO, Iowa and FORT MYERS, Fla. – The CBE Group, Inc. (CBE), a leader in the debt collection industry, and CallMiner, Inc., the industry leader in enterprise speech analytics announced today they had executed an agreement to purchase and implement CallMiner Eureka!® 7 Speech Analytics with CBE’s best-in-class proprietary account management system. This announcement follows the release of CBE’s new strategic plan and brand in March, which unveiled a new corporate tagline of Defining the Future of Debt Collection™.

CBE’s Senior Vice President of Operations Chad Benson said, “This is just one of the initiatives CBE has invested in to ensure our actions as a company speak louder than words. Implementing speech analytics will ensure we deliver our two key corporate objectives of compliance and maintaining a highly ethical environment.”

CallMiner’s President and CEO Terry Leahy said, “Our research data on consumer-collector interactions affirms that CBE is leading the way for progressive change in the collections industry.  Based upon millions of collection calls we have processed, CallMiner has found that overly aggressive collector calling strategies are passé.”

Leahy said, “For interactions concerning unsecured debt, we have found the most successful collectors are persuasive and subtle. Speech analytics helps CBE identify consumer agitation and collector empathy and, in so doing, drive successful collection behaviors.  In today’s environment the ability to treat consumers with respect while still achieving effective collection results is paramount.”

Benson said, “In an industry that historically monitors fewer than five percent of all calls, speech analytics will enable CBE to monitor every call while taking great strides toward self-regulation. Additionally, CBE can boost performance, while at the same time monitor compliance, by identifying patterns and characteristics that result in successful calls and providing targeted training in those areas.”

CallMiner Eureka speech analytics software allows CBE to extract meaningful business intelligence from recorded calls and complete quality assurance and compliance reviews on every collection call made. Eureka utilizes indicators of stress, excess silence or other signs which may reveal calls where additional collector training can promote an outcome that is optimal for the collector, consumer and CBE’s clients.

Benson said, “From CBE’s perspective, integrating speech analytics into our business processes significantly strengthens CBE’s value proposition for our clients. This investment validates CBE’s commitment to treating every consumer in a manner that each of us would expect to be treated without sacrificing leading results for our clients.”

CBE will continue to announce other proactive, corporate initiatives that support the company’s vision of Defining the Future of Debt Collection™ in the weeks and months ahead.

About The CBE Group
CBE has been in the accounts receivable management business since 1933. CBE currently employs nearly 1,000 people in five locations nationwide. CBE’s corporate headquarters is located in Waterloo, Iowa, with additional facilities in West Des Moines, Iowa; Overland Park, Kansas; and Atlanta, Georgia. CBE was named the number two place to work in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls metropolitan area in 2009. With more than 850 clients, CBE represents many of the nation’s most renowned and respected organizations. CBE serves a variety of industries including healthcare, utilities, satellite, communications, financial services, education and government sectors. For more information, visit www.cbegroup.com.The CBE Group logo and the tagline “Defining the future of debt collection” are registered trademarks of The CBE Group, Inc.

Click here for CBE Group’s online press kit.

About CallMiner
CallMiner is the leader in enterprise speech analytics. CallMiner Eureka enables organizations to hear and act on the voice of their customers as captured in contact center conversations.  Eureka speech analytics automates the process of extracting information from customer calls uncovering consistent and reliable information about customer demands, market trends, how well agents are meeting their service needs and more. This timely business intelligence can be leveraged by enterprises to improve customer service and sales, reduce the cost of service delivery, and identify areas for process improvements.  CallMiner’s customers realize improved customer retention, higher first call resolution, greater agent and supervisor productivity and lower quality assurance costs. For more information on speech analytics, please contact CallMiner at (239) 689-6463 or visit www.callminer.com. CallMiner, Eureka! and TopicMiner are registered trademarks of CallMiner, Inc.


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