by Mike Bevel,

AT&T is out-of-pocket as it has to pay for consumer credit reports after nearly 19,000 customers had their credit data hacked over the weekend.

Those affected were folks who bought DSL packages from AT&T?s online store.

AT&T spokesman Walt Sharp told the Associated Press that no fraudulent charges had been reported so far. He said he could not specify on which day the breach occurred, but said routine security monitoring promptly identified it.

If you?re keeping track of how many data breaches that makes for the year ? and not just of AT&T customers — Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, says that number?s over 170 for this year.

Suddenly, the good ol? days of cash and mattresses don?t seem so bad at all.

Next Article: Northstar completes final phase of Data Security
