Phoenix-based Debt Settlement USA, a leading debt settlement company, announced that it successfully negotiated a record 739 settlements for consumers during April, the most the company has ever negotiated in a single month – resolving an astounding $4,323,000 in outstanding balances.

“The number of settlements we negotiated in April reflects how challenging today’s economic environment is for consumers and lenders,” Jack Craven, President of Debt Settlement USA, said. “Consumers are facing a level of financial hardship that is unprecedented in recent history, making it more difficult for lenders to collect overdue payments from their customers. Our achievement settling a record number of accounts illustrates the benefits a legitimate, certified debt settlement company offers consumers struggling to pay their debts while providing a greater overall settlement rate to lenders.”

Looking ahead, Debt Settlement USA expects to see a 40 percent increase in the number of consumers in 2008 who see debt settlement as the best solution to help them deal with financial hardships and a weakening economy versus last year.

Consumers’ credit balances are skyrocketing. According to the Federal Reserve’s March consumer credit report, credit card debt increased 6.7 percent and non-revolving debt, such as loans for cars, boats and education, increased 4.6 percent during the first quarter of 2008. Total consumer credit outstanding in the U.S. at the end of March was $2.558 trillion. Currently, charge-off and delinquency rates are rising and bankruptcy filings increased by 38 percent from 2006 to 2007, according to Standard & Poor’s Credit Card Quality Indexes.

“With consumer credit balances soaring and the rapid increase in consumers seeking debt settlement as an alternative to bankruptcy, the need to establish standards within the debt settlement industry to protect consumers from fraudulent and unethical debt settlement practices is acute,” Craven said.

Legitimate debt settlement companies can help people get out of debt efficiently and expeditiously by negotiating a settlement for a portion of the debt with their creditors. Additionally, legitimate debt settlement programs also help creditors by settling accounts more quickly, avoiding third party expenses, and gaining more control over this segment of their portfolio.

According to Debt Settlement USA, consumers and creditors should review the practices of debt settlement companies prior to entering a debt settlement agreement. A legitimate debt settlement company should meet the following guidelines:

Have written policies and procedures.

Be a member of the Better Business Bureau.

Be required to thoroughly complete a “Debt Settlement Company Certification Questionnaire,” similar to that which creditors require for their collection agencies and other vendors.

Welcome oversight by regulatory agencies and strive to become a certified vendor for creditors.

Have written compliance policies and procedures a General Counsel on staff with significant credit industry compliance experience, a customer dispute resolution review process, and no past or pending litigation.

Debt Settlement USA, Inc. is the leading debt settlement company in the United States, offering an honorable and ethical alternative to bankruptcy. Located in Phoenix, Arizona, the company currently serves 15,000 clients, and has settled over $100 million in balances since inception in 2003. On average, Debt Settlement USA settles clients’ debts for 40 – 60 percent of the outstanding balances that are brought into the program within 18 to 36 months.

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