The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) recently reviewed Adreima using the Peer Review Process.  After undergoing the rigorous process, Adreima’s Eligibility Services has been granted the “Peer Reviewed by HFMA®” designation.

“We are extremely honored to  receive the “Peer Reviewed by HFMA” designation, as it is a true reflection of how our clients feel about the service we provide,” stated Connie Perez, Chief Executive Officer of Adreima.  “We are eager to continue advocating for our partners by providing innovative Medicaid revenue cycle solutions.”

Eligibility Services:  Adreima provides eligibility assistance services for uninsured patients by assisting them with their application and enrollment in Medicaid, Disability and other government programs.  Adreima’s approach to advocacy, coupled with its expertise, results in patients receiving all benefits to which they’re entitled and client hospitals maximizing reimbursement revenues.

HFMA’s Peer Review process is designed to provide healthcare financial managers with an objective third-party evaluation of products and services used in the healthcare finance workplace.  The rigorous, eleven-step process consists of a peer review panel consisting of current customers, prospects who have not made a purchase, and expert HFMA Peer Review board members.  Peer Review approval of the product or service and its performance claims are based on effectiveness, quality and usability, price, value, and customer and technical support.

“HFMA’s Peer Review process provides our membership with the assurance that those who have earned the designation have met a rigorous screening process,” says HFMA President and CEO Richard L. Clarke, DHA, FHFMA.  “The Peer Reviewed designation helps members and others identify and evaluate products and services that their organization may need.  It can also create brand awareness and recognition in the healthcare finance marketplace for Peer Reviewed products and services.”

The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) provides the resources healthcare organizations need to achieve sound fiscal health in order to provide excellent patient care. With over 37,000 members, HFMA is the nation’s leading membership organization of healthcare finance executives and leaders.

Adreima advocates for hospitals nationwide, providing revenue cycle management services supported by a deep knowledge of state-specific issues and unparalleled in-house expertise in Medicaid and Disability eligibility and hospital reimbursement. Named one of the “Best Places to Work” by the Phoenix Business Journal, Adreima was founded in 1990 and is a portfolio company of Waud Capital Partners, a leading middle-market private equity firm based in Chicago with significant healthcare investment experience.

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