Ontario Systems announces the general release of FACS® version 17.0, Artiva® Healthcare version 3.0, Artiva® Agency version 2.0 and Artiva® Legal version 2.1. All contain new functionality that will help Ontario Systems? clients maintain their market-leading positions.

FACS version 17.0

Ontario Systems continues to enhance the FACS product. FACS version 17.0 provides improved reporting through detailed call logging which gathers detailed information about all calls on the contact management system, including in-bound and out-bound calls. This information allows managers to maximize account representatives? time and monitor revenues generated by the system. To enforce management defined standards, action/response codes can be defined to require account representatives to complete one screen before progressing to the next. For example, if the representative enters the action as a telephone call and the result as a promise to pay, the system will require the representative to complete the amount and date of the promise as well as change the wait date and the disposition. FACS Workstation also includes an upgrade in this release permitting users to design the look of each screen to fit their unique needs. This can be allowed at the account representative level or locked down by the system administrator to a management-determined format. Finally, the release allows system managers to copy items to a new directory such as reports, client master, user-defined tables, logic blocks and a number of other items.

Five clients representing a mix of office sizes and business lines have tested this release since December 2005. The latest version includes 143 additional features.

Artiva Healthcare version 3.0

Artiva Healthcare version 3.0 includes several new optional modules. The financial assistance module helps account representatives better determine a patient?s eligibility for discounting or charity care, and the vendor management module provides better tracking and reporting functionality for outsourced accounts. Additionally, healthcare providers can now work self-pay, primary, secondary and tertiary payers simultaneously. Payment arrangement options help account representatives set up appropriate payment schedules; the system will not accept arrangements outside of business rules. The optional archive module helps organizations save storage space by purging inactive accounts while having the information available to restore at the push of a button.

Artiva Agency 2.0

Artiva Agency version 2.0 provides several enhancements which improve collection processes. Select electronic payment processing vendors have been added to our Link family of service providers. Leveraging the services of these vendors, Artiva Agency will submit electronic payments, including checks and credit cards, in accordance with payment arrangements established by the account representative. Credit card payments can also be verified in real-time while the account holder is on the line. An optional module to this release, Claims Management, aids in the management of healthcare debt.

Artiva Legal version 2.1

Artiva Legal version 2.1 includes several functionality enhancements and new features to increase productivity. The Artiva Legal system will process electronic payment transactions, including checks and credit card payments. Another new feature facilitates integration to office calendars. When a docket is created within Artiva Legal, the system will offer to send the date to Microsoft Outlook for inclusion on the appropriate attorney?s calendar. Additional functionality regarding broken payment options allows a law firm to determine the number of broken promises before a payment arrangement is void. To improve audit trails for security purposes, a note can be added to the account each time it is viewed even if no update occurs. Many other features and functionality are included in Artiva Legal version 2.1.

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